Calcium formate is an organic substance with the molecular formula C2H2O4Ca. It is used as a feed additive and is suitable for all types of animals. It has acidification, anti-mildew, antibacterial and other effects. It is also used in industry as a concrete, mortar additive, leather tanning or as a preservative.

1. As a new feed additive. Feeding calcium formate to increase weight and using calcium formate as a feed additive for piglets can increase piglet appetite and reduce diarrhea rates. Adding 1% to 1.5% calcium formate to piglet diets can significantly improve the production performance of weaned piglets. When preparing feed, attention should be paid to adjusting the ratio of calcium to phosphorus.
2. In the construction industry, it is used as a rapid setting agent, lubricant and early strength agent for cement. Used in building mortar and various concretes to speed up the hardening of cement and shorten the setting time, especially during winter construction to avoid too slow setting at low temperatures. Demoulding is quick, allowing the cement to increase strength and be put into use as soon as possible.
3. Various dry mixed mortars, various concretes, wear-resistant materials, flooring industry, feed industry, tannery